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Short film for children about a futuristic universe

The friendship between a man and a dog in a dystopian world.


Dio, a homeless man, lives with his dog, Loppe, in a strange futuristic city. One morning, Loppe is swept away by a waste collector. In order to save him, Dio embarks on a frantic chase. Will he save his one and only friend?

Film commentary: Vagabond

In the near past or future, the heroes of this story live on a city-train that is constantly on the move.
This is one of the rare dystopian science-fiction universes in our selection of films for young children.

It is an opportunity to explain to the pupils what utopia is, an imaginary construction of an ideal society in which the inhabitants would be free and happy, and its opposite, dystopia, an imaginary construction of a society in which the inhabitants would be neither free nor happy.

In this growing frenzy, the wanderer seems to be spared and manages to form strong bonds of affection with his dog. The film will also be an opportunity to address the theme of the disappearance of nature in urban environments, but also the strength of the bonds that can unite man and animal

Questioning the film: Vagabond

Understand the story, the theme, express your sensibility and exercise your critical mind.

"As long as they have nothing to compare it to, the masses never realise that they are oppressed"
George Orwell, 1984 (1949)

1 Where does the filmtake place?
In a city with a lot of people, a city without trees and without sky. We understand at the end of the film that this city is inside a giant train.
2 Where do the main character and his dog live?
They live under a bridge.This may sound like homeless people.
Note that the title of the film is Vagabond.

3 A bell rings at 1 min 15 sec of the film; why? Whatis happening?
The crowd runs for cover as the city is about to be covered in a huge black smoke.Dio and Lope protect their faces.
4 What happens at 2:25 in the film that changes the lives of the man and his dog?
The dog is carried off with a pile of rubbish in a train carriage.
5 What does Dio do?
Dio goes to look for his dog but the crowd is too big; he gets delayed; the black smoke covers the city again and Dio loses sight of his dog.
6 What does he decide to do?
He decides to get into a train carriage to find his dog.
7 Where are the train carriages going?
At 4:20 we understand that the train carriages are carrying the city's rubbish to an incineration plant.
The black smoke is probably the result of burning rubbish.

8 The train carriage carrying the dog is about to empty its rubbish.What does Dio do?
He decides to stop the machinery: the train comes to an abrupt halt.
9 What do we discover then (6 min 5 sec)?
We discover that the city is in a gigantic train that crosses natural landscapes.
10 How does the train city move?With what energy?
By burning the city's rubbish.
11 What is the end of the film?
The man saves his dog, gets off the train and discovers the landscape outside.He seems to breathe clean air for the first time in his life and discovers birds in the sky.
12 What do you think of this city?Would you like to live there?
Open question/ debate.
13 How do you explain that humans live in the train city and not outside?
Open question/ debate.
The film does not give an answer and the pupils will come up with their own interpretation.

14 Ask the pupils to describe the environment in which they live.
What would be their ideal place to live?

Open-ended question/ debate.
15 Why do people tend to gather more and more in big cities and abandon the countryside?
Open-ended question/ debate

Download PDF of the film's educational activities

Created with the support of the Ministry of Education and the CNC.
Family viewing of the film, educational activities with parents at home and with teachers in class.
Describing the city (EMC) (Cycle 2 and 3)
Educational activities proposed by Olivier Defaye based on the film Vagabond.
Composing a city with drawings and collages (EMC) (Cycle 1, 2 and 3)
Pedagogical activities proposed by Olivier Defaye based on the film Vagabond.
Réseau Canopé course (Ecology in solidarity)
Thematic course created by Véronique Granville based on 3 films including Vagabond.

Discover other educational sheets created with the support of the Ministry of Education and the CNC...



Genre and keywords

Science fiction, futuristic city, imaginary worlds, utopia, friendship, animals.

Recommended age

5 years
Parental control.


7 min 25 s.

Directed by
Pedro Ivo Carvalho.
by The Animation Workshop in 2014
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