Questions fréquemment posées

Q. Are you an aggregator or distributor of films?

The website is an aggregation site. We aggregate short films that the authors and rights holders have decided to make freely available to the public on online video sharing and viewing platforms.
We only aggregate short films hosted on the Vimeo platform which has no advertising before or during the films unlike platforms such as YouTube or Dailymotion.

If copyright holders no longer wish to offer free viewing of their films and modify the Vimeo viewing conditions (private mode, blocking of aggregation...), these films are automatically removed from our aggregation portal.

Q. Are the short films on the portal free of rights?

No, the short films on the portal are not free of rights. The authors and rights holders offer their films for free viewing on the Internet but these films are protected by the copyright law of each country.
For example, commercial uses or modifications of audiovisual content are subject to the agreement of the authors.

Q. Is it legal to watch portal films in public?

The possibility of watching films in public depends on the copyright law of each country and it is the responsibility of each user to check the legislation of the country of viewing.

Many countries (United States, England, Germany, Canada, India, Greece, Japan, etc.) have adopted fair use, a set of legal rules, originating in legislation and case law, according to which certain elements protected by copyright may be distributed or reused without the authorisation of the copyright holders. This is the case for uses intended for criticism, dissemination of information or teaching and research.

Q. Is it legal to watch portal films at school?

A classroom is considered a public space and the same rules apply as for public broadcasting.

Q. How do you select the short films for the portal?

The authors of short films regularly send us their new creations and a selection committee chooses certain films with humanism, ecology, poetry and originality of the visual universe as the main criteria.
We also go out to meet the authors. Film festivals and animation schools are excellent resources for discovering new nuggets.

Q. How to submit a film to the Children's Film Portal?

Film rights holders can submit their films by sending a viewing link to inscription(at)films-pour-enfants(dot)com.

Q. Who creates the teaching sheets and activities on the portal?

The NPO Films pour enfants creates the educational content of the portal in-house but also sometimes calls on external authors.
With the support of the French Ministry of Education, 250 educational sheets have been created in 2019 by a team of 20 teachers and film professionals. These activities were initially intended for teachers with a paying subscription but we are gradually making all these activities available on the portal free of charge.

This is also the case for the selection grid and the viewing advice to decide on the appropriateness of the content for the age of the children, which was developed in collaboration with the NPO 3-6-9-12 and Serge Tisseron, patron of the Non Profit Organisation Films pour enfants.
But there are also many other resources that we are gradually adding to the site and sharing on social networks, such as the thematic courses proposed by Réseau Canopé, files dedicated to image education or even files dedicated to the lexicon and grammar of cinema (Frame, Field, Off-screen, Sound off, Composition, Shot scale, Angle of view, etc.).