Page Facebook de Films pour enfants

A programme of comedy films?

8 films with a total duration of 27 minutes for children between 6 and 11 years

Laughing at school with comedy films

Humour and laughter for the intellectual, sensory, emotional and relational development of children.
What examples of comedy films from our selection of films for children.
Kyra Buschor and Constantin Paeplow © Filmakademie
Watch the film for kids: Rollin' Safari
An excellent idea and the staging is perfect.
You can't get enough of it!

36 s
pedro conti, © Pedro Conti
Watch the film for kids: One More Beer
Mean or not mean? What would please this burlesque character?
58 s
Smith & Foulkes, © Nexus
Watch the film for kids: This Way Up
The very funny story of these undertakers.
9 min 10 s
Sjaak Rood, © NIAF
Watch the best comedy film
A crazy cartoon. The images and drawings move in all directions, the 2D animation of the characters is impressive.
5 min 45 s
James Woo, © mofac - alfred
Watch the comedy film for children: Johnny Express
Johnny travels around the universe, from planet to planet to deliver his packages and today he has to deliver a tiny package to a tiny new planet.
5 min 26 s
Léo Brunel, © MOPA
Watch the film for kids: Voltige
Two garage owners are having a lot of trouble with their car being repaired.
1 min 24 s
Rebecca Manley, © Rebecca Manley
Watch the film for kids: Table Manners
It is difficult to live together when our natures are so different!
3 min 3 min

At the service of children's education, a tool to accompany the school curriculum.

Watching a comedy film for children at school?

No, laughter is not a human trait as Rabelais thought. Some animals like gorillas, chimpanzees and bonobos also laugh.

In playful contexts, or under the influence of tickling, laughter is part of the social life of these animal species, especially the youngest.

Le rire des enfants © Olivier Defaye. Laughter and complicity.

In humans, too, childhood is a special time for laughter.
Children laugh much more often than adults. Like play, laughter is a natural learning tool and contributes to the sensory, emotional, relational and intellectual development of children.

Laughter creates a bond between teachers and children

At school, making people laugh reinforces the playfulness of learning.

Laughter is a direct expression of joy and proves to be an irreplaceable tool in the classroom as it creates a bond between teachers and children.

Our selection of comedy films makes both children and adults laugh.
Having common experiences, watching a comedy film together in the classroom and laughing at the same things with the pupils reinforce this necessary complicity.

Humour as a teaching tool

"We saw a funny little cartoon with the teacher!" What a pleasure for a child to "see his or her teacher laugh".

"We'll talk about it at the recreation!"

Laughter and moral education

Humour is subjective and people may not be sensitive to someone's humour. What may seem funny to some may be considered by others as mockery or insult. Laughter can be cruel.

Do not laugh at others

Laughter allows us to communicate but also to exclude.
Laugh with others but not at others.
Laughter and levity are not synonymous.

The best comedy films

Children, parents, teachers, we are sometimes looking for a good comedy film, a good funny cartoon, a film or video idea to laugh at.

How to find the funniest cartoons?
Which films for young audiences make you laugh?
What is the best funny film for young children?

Best Youth Comedy Film © Charlie Chaplin. Comedy film masterpiece: The Circus, 1920

Our selection of humorous short films presents a variety of worlds, amusing situations, adventures and characters that are both funny and touching.

Watch all the comedy films...
See also our ranking of best feature films for children...

Comic cartoons, activity tracks

All children laugh and naturally develop a sense of humour.
But how do you induce laughter, how do you produce a humorous effect? Children have all experienced laughter, but how do you explain it?
Is laughter communicative? What is the difference between laughing and smiling?

Developing children's sense of humour

What are the mechanisms of laughter? What do we laugh about and why?
A fascinating topic for philosophers but also for children.

What are the terms to express laughter?

Biting, caustic, acerbic, pleasant, light, zany?
Funny, amusing, amusing, funny, hilarious, wacky, ridiculous?
Derision, mockery or zaniness?

Children are often familiar with the expression "die of laughter".
But do they know "laughing heartily" or "laughing reluctantly"?
In french, rire jaune, rire toute bas, rire aux larmes, rire aux anges, rire dans sa barbe.

Laughter and fun in primary school © Charlotte Cambon. Laughter in primary school.

Interesting to highlight the cultural and social dimension of laughter!
At what age is laughter no longer just a spontaneous expression of joy?

Types of comedy

After watching the comedy films, differentiate and identify with the students the different forms of humour.

Explain the different comic devices, the categories of laughter?
What kind of comedy does such a film use?

Short list of types of comedy

Comedy of words

Word games, puns.

Comedy of gestures

Mimics, grimaces

Situational comedy

Situation of a character in the story, intrigues, surprises, misunderstandings, misunderstandings, twists.

Situational comedy © Nexus. Situational comedy: This Way Up, 2008

Comedy of character

Exaggeration of a human defect.

Grotesque humour

Very pronounced deformation, bizarre appearance.

Absurdist humour

Lack of logic, nonsense.

Absurdist humour © ChezEddy. Absurdist humour: My Dear Gnome, 2015

Burlesque humour

Extravagant, irrational.

Observational humour

Caricaturing everyday situations or aspects of reality.

Observational humour © Arjen Klaverstijn. Observational humour: Manfred, 2010


Amplification of certain characteristics.


Imitate a person's style.


Making fun of a subject with the intention of provoking and making people think.

Satire © h5. Satire of the consumer society: Logorama, 2009

Black humour

Making fun of sad or unpleasant things.


Saying the opposite of what you think, the opposite of what you want to be heard.


Laughing at yourself.

Second degree humour

Not to be taken literally!

Dramatic comedy

This film genre uses the characteristics of comedy for dramatic purposes.

Romantic comedy

A romantic comedy is a type of love film that humorously portrays the love story between two people.

Romantic comedy © Michael Bidinger, Michelle Kwon. Romantic comedy: Jinxy Jenkins, Lucky Lou, 2014
Contact us

Are you a teacher, a primary school teacher? Are you looking for a short comedy film for young audiences, a good cartoon for the little ones?
Want to watch a funny movie for kids online? We help you find the funniest cartoons to watch at school.
Looking for some fun? Do you think that humorous videos or films for your students can be both entertaining and educational?
Découvrez notre sélection des meilleurs animés comiques ! We classify all comedy cartoons by themes and keywords:
Adventures, oddities, jokes, situational comedy, laughter, emotions, heroes, magic, wonder, fantasy.

Have you made a short comedy film for children? Have you created a funny story, a funny character?
Your film is suitable for children and you want to present it to a wider audience? Submit your comedy short film in live action or animation! Do you know any comic directors or cartoonists? Have you watched a "funny cartoon", "funny cartoon" recently?
Your favourite comedy film of 2016? Present us your selection!
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