Children's Films Facebook page

Mr Plastimime

Mime to children


The funny and moving story of a man who practices pantomime. His skills are not recognised, but he does not lose hope.

Film commentary: Mr Plastimime

A very beautiful animated short film about the art of pantomime but also about the courage and determination of a man who has a hard time getting his skills recognised.
A lesson in courage for children and an important message: never lose hope

Discover the backstage of the short film

The hand-drawn stages of creating the character Mr. Plastimime and the stop motion animation techniques, from making the character out of clay to the first animation tests with Steve Edge.

For the 2D animated dance scene in the short film, the film's director used real Argentine Tango dancers as references: Nathalie & Bruno

Discover other creations of the director

Daniel Greaves' films



Genre and keywords

Narrative, tango, pantomime, courage, hope

Recommended age

From 7 years

Running time

9 min 43 s

Mr Plastimime
Daniel Greaves
Mike MacLennan for Mcasso
Tandem Films in 2013
Discover other cartoons for children on the theme of ecology, other free films about the living world...
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UNESCO Ministère de l'Éducation nationale et de la Jeunesse