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The wild child

The complex relationship between nature and culture.


A wild boy found in the woods tries to adapt to civilisation.

Film commentary: Feral

A magnificent short film, poetic direction and wonderful drawings in the service of a particularly interesting subject for children: the influence of culture on our behaviour.

The film is inspired by wild children who grew up in the forests on the fringes of human society, such as Victor de l'Aveyron, a wild child taken in by Dr Itard in 1800 to devote himself to his education.

Author's view

In the film, director Daniel Sousa explores the complex relationship between nature and culture.
How would a child grow up without the trappings of civilization, the conventions imposed from an early age?
How would a child grow up completely on his own?

Animation technique

Traditional animation using charcoal drawings on paper and the choice of a black and white world accentuate the film's strange and frightening atmosphere and the wolf boy's sense of oppression.

More information about the director

Daniel Sousa's films


See and see again François Truffaut 's film L'Enfant sauvage (1970) and the unforgettable scenes when Victor contemplates nature by the window during his lessons.

The founders of Rome in Roman mythology, Romulus and Remus, newborns taken in by a she-wolf.

"Man is naturally good and it is society that depraves him"
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
But does the state of nature really exist?


Wild child

Genre and keywords

Narrative, boy, wolf-child, nature, culture, adaptation

Recommended age

7 years


12 min 46 s.

Daniel Sousa
Dan Golden
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UNESCO Ministère de l'Éducation nationale et de la Jeunesse