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You look scary

Children's film about dentists

To laugh at the fear of the dentist, an emotion felt by many children...and adults.


Who is more afraid? The patient crocodile or the dentist rabbit who doesn't seem to appreciate his client's sharp teeth?

Film commentary: You look scary

The expression "being scared to death" perfectly describes the psychological state of Mr Crocodile in the dentist's waiting room. A crazy relationship between a client and his dentist.
Who is more afraid? The patient crocodile or the dentist rabbit who doesn't seem to appreciate his client's sharp teeth?
To laugh at the fear of the dentist, an emotion felt by many children...and adults.

The film allows us to approach the complexity of relationships between living beings, particularly in the interpretation by others of our attitudes and expressions, which is fundamental in the construction of our personality.

Emotional empathy, which is the first form of empathy, is already present a few hours after birth; then comes cognitive empathy, which manifests itself around the age of 4 in children or perhaps even before; it is this that enables us to decipher the feelings of others.
However, as we can see in the film, our own emotions can take precedence over our ability to analyse and prevent us from correctly deciphering the feelings of our fellow human beings

Questioning the film: You look scary

Understand the story, the theme, express your sensibility and exercise your critical thinking skills.

1 Who are the main characters in the film?
A crocodile who goes to the dentist and a dentist rabbit.
2 Why is the crocodile afraid of the rabbit?
He is afraid that the dentist will remove his tooth and that it will be painful.
3 Why is the rabbit afraid of the crocodile?
He is afraid that the crocodile will eat him.
4 Who is more afraid of the other?
They are both equally afraid.
5 The fear is mutual; has the rabbit understood that the crocodile is afraid of him and vice versa?
No, they have not understood that the fear is mutual: they are too scared to realise it.
6 Do you sometimes think you don't understand another person's feeling?
Open answer/debate.
7 What do the very colourful pictures and speech bubbles next to the characters represent?
It represents what the characters imagine.For example, at 1:55 the rabbit imagines that the crocodile's teeth are huge and sharp when in reality they seem harmless.
Students can write this story once from what the characters actually see and then again from what the characters imagine.

8 What are the customers in the waiting room thinking about in the final scene (from the coloured speech bubbles)?

Download PDF of the film's educational activities

Created with the support of the Ministry of Education and the CNC.
Viewing of the film with the family, educational activities with parents at home and with teachers in class.
Composing facial expressions (EMC) (Cycle 2 and 3)
Educational activities proposed by Olivier Defaye based on the film You look scary.
Mimic attitudes (EMC) (Cycle 2 and 3)
Educational activities proposed by Christophe Defaye based on the film You look scary.
Réseau Canopé course (Appearances)
Thematic course created by Patrice Rocas based on 4 films including You look scary.

Discover other educational sheets created with the support of the Ministry of Education and the CNC...



Genre and Keywords

Comedy, Dentist, Apprehension, Animals

Recommended age

5 years
Parental control


4 min.

You look scary.
Directed by
Xiya Lan
Sound design
Ben Huff
Calarts in 2016
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UNESCO Ministère de l'Éducation nationale et de la Jeunesse