Children's Films Facebook page

Time for coffe

Keep calm.

Computer problems.


A plush character frustrated by software that keeps crashing: will he ever lose patience?

Film commentary: Time for coffe

No, we are not the only ones who are frustrated by computer problems.
A very funny film to teach children and parents to keep calm. But is it possible?

Children learn to handle computer tools at school or at home very quickly and are often confronted with their first bugs. But how do we describe our feelings when faced with a bug?
A little vocabulary? Frustration, dismay, disappointment, surprise, astonishment, despair, disappointment, disgust, discouragement, animosity, discontent, irritation, displeasure, anger, exasperation...

This is an opportunity to explain to children that in computing, a bug is a design flaw in a computer program that causes it to malfunction. The English word bug belongs to the jargon of engineers and already Thomas Edison (1847-1931), pioneer of electricity and cinema, used this term to describe the defects of mechanical systems!



Genre and keywords

Comedy, computer bug, surprise, irritation

Recommended age

From 5 years


50 s.

Time for coffe
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UNESCO Ministère de l'Éducation nationale et de la Jeunesse