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Life told simply.

Abstract and life-like forms.


Let yourself be carried away by the rhythm of the lines.

Film commentary: Lifelines

In a refined style, one line, then two, then three, undulate and draw abstract shapes evocative of life, electrocardiography, heart, DNA, umbilical cord.
This is an opportunity to explain to children that the umbilical cord is the organ that joins the foetus to its placenta in the mother's womb. The blood vessels (two arteries and one vein) supply nutrients and oxygen to the embryo and then to the foetus during pregnancy.

The film begins as an electrocardiogram will also be an opportunity to explain the electrical activity of the heart.
The heart muscle expels blood from the heart with each beat and this activity can be measured and recorded by an electrocardiogram. The heart, like all muscles, contracts under the influence of electrical impulses and the electrocardiogram records each electrical impulse. To do this, the electrocardiogram is connected to electrodes placed on the ankles, wrists and chest.

Sound universe

Music and ambient sounds accompany the movement of the lines; children will certainly recognise the characteristic sounds of life moments such as a baby crying (38 s), children laughing and playing (1 min 10 s), an ambulance (1 min 30 s)...



Genre and keywords

Abstract, birth, foetus, umbilical cord, electrocardiogram

Recommended age

From 3 years old


4 min 35 s.

Life Lines
Diégo Gil
Michaël Journolleau
Music and soundscapes
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UNESCO Ministère de l'Éducation nationale et de la Jeunesse