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Comedy film about food industrialisation

A delicious discovery?


The peace of mind of shopkeepers challenged by the arrival of fast food restaurants.

Film commentary: Sausage

A very funny short film to talk about the industrialisation of our food with children.

The retro animation takes us back to the early days of industrialisation and fast food.
Why not introduce children to the evolution of our food from the advent of agriculture to the birth of the food industry, chemical pesticides and food additives.

The film also offers a very funny interpretation of the origins of the famous hot dog. Sausages existed as far back as 1500 BC in Babylon, but did you know that the hot dog was created in the United States by a German butcher who had the idea of using bread to eat the hot sausages and avoid burning his hands?



Genre and Keywords

Comedy, fast food, hot dog, hot dog.

Recommended age

7 years


6 min 16 s.

Robert Grieves
Dan Radclyffe
Sound Design
Leaf Troup
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UNESCO Ministère de l'Éducation nationale et de la Jeunesse