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Avocado Man

Comedy short film suitable for very young children.

In search of a soul mate.


Mr. Half Lawyer looking for his other half.

Film commentary: Avocado Man

A funny and touching character.
What could be more explicit than two avocado halves to evoke the concept of a soul mate, the perfect compatibility between two individuals. The idea of an avocado backpack that can also be used as a boat will amuse children.

Why not suggest that your pupils, from kindergarten onwards, invent their own character from vegetables or fruit.



Genre and Keywords

Comedy, soul mate, quest, vegetable, avocado, forest

Recommended age

3 years

Running time

59 sec.

Avocado Man
Directed by
Jérémy Cissé
byBruce Maginnis
Sound design by
John Sutherland
Blue Zoo in 2017
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UNESCO Ministère de l'Éducation nationale et de la Jeunesse