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Anthology with Cranes

Abstract animation film for children

How do you bring a painting to life and set it in motion?


An animated adaptation of the painting "Tsuru shitae waka kan" (Anthology with Cranes) by the 17th century Japanese painter Tawaraya Sōtatsu.

Film commentary: Anthology with Cranes

Koji Yamamura is considered one of the Masters of Japanese animation. With a production of very varied, abstract, narrative films, he is entirely responsible for the technical aspect of his films and uses stopmotion, traditional animation or computer animation and editing.
His film "Mount Chef", was the first Japanese short film to receive the Grand Prix at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival. Koji Yamamura has also illustrated numerous children's books.



Genre and keywords

Abstract, animals, birds, painting

Recommended age

3 years
Parental control


1 min 55 s.

Anthology with Cranes
Directed by
Koji Yamamura
byYamamura Animation in 2011
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UNESCO Ministère de l'Éducation nationale et de la Jeunesse