Artistic awakening and teaching support
Our digital portal focuses on the poetic dimension of films and the originality of their messages and visual universes.
Selecting films for children
Choosing a film for children can be difficult.Very few original films and animated films are available on TV, at the cinema or on DVD, while more and more quality films are being offered with free and legal open access by directors and production companies.
Short films keep children's attention and are particularly appropriate for young children since they have diverse messages and original visual universes.

However, parents and teachers are not able to find them easily.
In France, wonderful initiatives aimed at young audiences make it possible for children to discover quality films.
The association
Other associations such as
In our search for an alternative to offer more choices to teachers, parents and kids, we select free, short films – in respect of copyright – that are not usually offered to children but which are perfectly adapted to little ones.
As with books, painting and music, films help cultivate taste. It is also important for children to have an opinion about films and to know what they do and don't like. Our portal of short films for children focuses on the poetic dimension of films and their creative universes with the educational objective of becoming a tool for artistic awakening.
Are you an elementary school teacher or a kindergarten teacher?
Are you looking for a film or animated film for children?
A short film for kindergarten students?
A film to watch as a family or with friends?
We choose films for children that can be streamed for free.
Discover our selection of
educational film
educational objectives of film
Deciding why and how to use a film with students is the first step in choosing a film for children. What are the educational objectives of film and its use in the classroom?Do you want to introduce children to image techniques? Stimulate their artistic sense? Enrich a subject being studied in class?
How to choose a children's movie
Every film gives children a way to see the world from another person’s viewpoint – the producer’s. Offering diverse films, themes, messages and visual universes is important to a child’s education because it helps develop tastes. As with books, painting and music, films stimulate children’s artistic side and make them want to invent and experiment.More about
Going backstage with creators, a questionnaire to reveal directors' tastes and aspirations. Fifty creators pitch in.
Thematic film programs
The visual arts, including cinema, help develop artistic practices in school but can also raise children's awareness of other subjects and be used as an educational support tool.Intended for teachers, the purpose of our catalogue of films, animated films and thematic short films is to reinforce the subjects studied in class with students, in addition to inviting parents to watch quality films with their kids as a family.
Intended for children just starting kindergarten up to the end of elementary school, these thematic programs – including moral instruction, the living world and music – align with
They contain between three and six films lasting a total of 20 to 30 minutes each.

Are you a teacher looking for new teaching tools?
Are you looking for films on ecology, friendship or memory?
Discover our thematic programs soon ...
Festival for children around the world
Takorama, developed with international partners, is a festival of short silent animation films intended for educational, cultural and social structures and for children from 3 to 18 years old from all over the world.The festival is completely free and takes place every year between March and June.
Teachers and childcare professionals, but also parents, register online and report their students' or children's results on the Film Festival website.
The children, following the viewing, participate in educational activities in class with teachers, at home with parents or in the space of participating structures (regional natural parks, ecomuseums, associative spaces ...) then each child votes for his favorite film and awards the children's prize.
The festival's sponsoring partners also award a prize.
In 2021, 340,418 participants: 10,161 teachers, 4,092 parents and 326,165 children (303,190 at school and 22,975 at home) from 115 countries participated in the festival; France accounted for 77% of the global participation.
Download the detailed report of the Takorama 2021 festival...
About us
As elementary school teachers and animated film producers, our work led us to develop an interest in the educational aspect of films and short films for young audiences. Do children have a choice in what they are watching?
Why a selection of short films? Why silent films? Why free films?
How much time do you think your child should spend watching television or films?
More about
A film recommended by parents and teachers gives children the chance to discover quality films that have their well-being in mind.
Teachers' opinions and parental control are important for children. Share your opinion and help us find the best short films!
Have you watched a free and high quality animated film intended for young children with your students? Help us rank the best children's films!
Are you an elementary school teacher or a kindergarten teacher ? Are you looking for animated films for little ones or original film ideas for children?
Looking for adventure, heros or strange and mysterious animals? Original, funny or fantasy stories for a little boy or girl?
Whether its a film for girls or boys, or the perfect film for budding film lovers, share your passion for the magic of images, cinema and films for children!