Children's Films Facebook page


Weather for children

Let's dance in the clouds.


How do you make a cloud?

Film commentary: Cloudy

Water in all its states.
A little meteorology with children from cycle 1 of primary school?
A lovely film as a support to the study of atmospheric phenomena such as clouds, precipitation. What is a cloud? Why does it rain?

With the heat of the Sun, I evaporate, rise into the atmosphere and condense into small droplets.
Too big, I fall back to Earth. Who am I?

The authors of the short film invite children to sing and dance along with the adventures of our heroes Clouds and Raindrops. The children, with their heads in the clouds, will not tire of listening to the film's very lively music.

A good example of personification, a figure of speech that consists of attributing human properties to an animal or inanimate thing. Why not suggest that children choose an object, a natural phenomenon or a feeling and then personify them.

"The mistral was angry and the bursts of its great voice kept me awake until morning."
Alphonse Daudet, Lettres de mon moulin (1869)

"Boredom, a silent spider, spun its web in the shadows."
Gustave Flaubert, Madame Bovary (1857)



Genre and keywords

Musical, rain, cloud, personification

Recommended age

3 years


6 min 10 s.

Sam Borkson
Arturo Sandoval III
Norman Bambi
Friend With You in 2012
Discover other cartoons for children on the theme of ecology, other free films about the living world...
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Do you know of any other children's films about meteorology? Films or books to explain to the little ones the formation of clouds? Evaporation, condensation?
Our selection of children's films is recommended by teachers and parents to allow small children to watch quality films safely.
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UNESCO Ministère de l'Éducation nationale et de la Jeunesse