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Will Hatching Day Come?

Children's imagination

Dream Company


A little girl draws a face on an egg and waits with the hatching for a new friend to come.

Film commentary: Will Hatching Day Come?

A film about the power of children's imagination.

The smallest children, dreaming of pets, will certainly identify with the heroine of the short film and may have fun drawing characters on the eggs for the next breakfast.

Visual Universe

Simple and expressive hand animation.

The line drawing representing only the outlines of the objects with a few coloured flat areas without the effects of shadow or light is perfectly adapted to young children.



Genre and Keywords

Comedy, egg, pet, chick

Recommended age

3 years


3 min 28 s.

Will Hatching Day Come?
Directed by
Kiatchokechaikul Chayanit
Soyoka Hayashi
Sound Design
Manami Noda
Tokyo University of the Arts in 2015
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UNESCO Ministère de l'Éducation nationale et de la Jeunesse