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The exploitation of men

Too much profit-seeking.


Mr. COK's passion for efficiency led him to replace his employees with highly sophisticated automatons.

Film commentary: Mr COK

A short film about human exploitation but also about hope and revolt.

Animation technique

Several techniques are used in the film such as paper cut-outs, digital 2D and puppetry.

Author's note: Franck Dion

"Mr COK is a modern-day fable about a grotesque and debonair-looking monster. His baby-like babbling and melancholic smile contrast with the violence of his actions. The violence is all the more terrifying because almost no one is moved by it, except for the character in the red scarf, who appears to us as unsympathetic, loud and violent.
The story is amused by this deception of appearances, by the way public opinion sometimes admires scoundrels because their success makes us dream. Any resemblance to well-known characters would not be accidental at all!

Questioning the film: Mr COK

To understand the story, the theme, to express one's sensibility and to exercise one's critical thinking.

1 What is the first scene in the film?
It is a battlefield, trenches and barbed wire. A lone soldier, a bomb about to explode, the film begins.
2 What does Mr. Cok do for a living?
He's a bomb maker, he's the factory manager.
3 What does Mr. Cok propose in his lecture?
He proposes to replace the men with robots because his factory is not making enough profit.
4 What does this mean for the workers in the factory?
The workers lose their jobs: they are unemployed.
5 In the film, the workers all look the same. Only one of them seems different, why?
He is the only one to show his displeasure with the situation.
This man is the soldier in the opening scene of the film.

6 What is Mr. Cok's dream?
His dream is to become the most powerful man in the world. He flies through the sky as if above everyone else.
This can be compared to the famous scene where Hynkel plays with the globe in Charlie Chaplin's feature film The Dictator (1940).

7 What does Mr. Cok do to make his dream come true?
He sends the workers to war.
8 Describe the scene at 5:25.
The soldier in the introductory scene of the film arrives in front of the factory with a bomb; he has no legs left.
The same timer can be heard as in the introductory scene of the film.
The introductory scene of the film (just before the bomb explodes) takes place between the moment when the workers are sent off to war and the moment when the soldier who has lost his legs arrives in front of the factory. One can imagine that he is the only survivor.

9 What does the soldier decide to do?
He decides to take revenge. Mr. Cok falls during a chase and we discover that he is also a robot: he breaks; he has gears instead of a brain. The film ends with the explosion of the bomb, the soldier's revenge.



Genre and keywords

Narrative, factory, armament, automaton, robot, revolt

Recommended age

9 years


9 min 47 s

Monsieur COK
Franck Dion
Pierre Caillet
Papy3D Productions in 2008
In co-production with the CRRAV du Nord-Pas-de-Calais and Le Fresnoy.
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