子供映画 : Bundle Of Joy

1- もっとも影響を受けた架空のキャラクターは?

ターザンに登場するチーターです。James Lever作のチーターの自叙伝のような "Me Cheeta"は素晴らしい本です。昔のハリウッドの様子など、とても面白く、年老いた ジョニー・ワイズミュラーと再会するシーンは感動的です。

2- もっとも怖かった架空のキャラクターは?

美しくとても不気味な映画"Dead of Night"のヒューゴという腹話術人形が恐ろしかった。この映画はいくつかの物語で構成されており、マイケル・レッドグレイヴ演じる腹話術がとても恐ろしかった。

3- 1番会ってみたい架空の人物は?

幼い頃は、ドクター・フーに会ってみたかった。 パトリック・トラウトン演じる2代目ドクターがお気に入りでした。

4- 生まれ変わってみたい架空の人物は?

P・G・ウッドハウスの小説に登場するBertie Woosterに生まれ変わりたい。

5- 住んでみたい架空の世界は?

ハーバート・ジョージ・ウェルズの "月世界最初の人間"の世界。Cavoriteと呼ばれる反重力材料でできた小さな宇宙船で旅する2人の男が登場する、とても面白い冒険物語です。

6- 住みたくない架空の世界は ?


7- 架空の世界でどんな役割をやりたい?


8- もっとも古い記憶の架空の世界は?

Oliver PostgatePeter FirminによるイギリスのTVシリーズ"Clangers"に出てくる惑星。 とても小さな世界でしたが、素晴らしい冒険の場所でした。

9-  あなたの好きな言葉は?

英語で“Barnacles” (日本語で蔓脚類).

10- 良く聴く音楽は?


オリジナル英語バージョン :

1-The fictional character you have most been touched by ?

The fictional character that I have been most touched by is Tarzan's companion Cheeta There is a wonderful book called "Me Cheeta" by James Lever that seems to be Cheeta's autobiography. It is very funny, has some great tales of old hollywood and contains an extremely moving final section where Cheeta is re-united with an elderly and frail Johnny Weismuller ( the actor who played Tarzan).

2-The fictional character you have most been scared by ?

I was terrified by a ventriloquists dummy called Hugo in the superb and very creepy film "Dead of Night" (1945). It is a portmanteau film made up of several stories. The ventriloquist is played by Michael Redgrave and the story has always struck me as very disturbing.

3-The fictional character you would most like to meet ?

As a child I would have loved to have met the TV character Doctor Who. My personal favourite was when the character was played by Patrick Troughton.

4-The fictional character you would most like to be reincarnated as (^_^) ?

I would like to be reincarnated as Bertie Wooster in the comic novels of P.G. Wodehouse.

5-The fictional world you would most like to live in ?

The fictional world I would most like to live in is the world of "The First Men In the Moon" by H.G.Wells. This is a book in which two men journey to the moon in a small craft covered in an anti gravity material called Cavorite and have many strange adventures.

6-The fictional world you would least like to live in ?

The fictional world I would least like to live in is Air Strip One, which is the name that George Orwell gives to the England of his novel"1984."

7-The role you would most like to have from a fictional work ?

The role I would most like to have from a fictional work would be a desert island castaway like Robinson Crusoe as long as the island had plenty of plants to eat and fine weather.

8-The fictional world you remember most from your Childhood ?

The fictional world I most remember from childhood is the planet of "The Clangers" from the UK TV series by Oliver Postgate and Peter Firmin. There's was a very small world but one in which lovely adventures took place.

9-Your favorite word ?

My favourite word is "Barnacles"

10-The music you want to listen now ?

The music I want to listen to is "Piano Phase" by Steve Reich which I love.