子供映画 : Goodbye mister de vries

1- もっとも影響を受けた架空のキャラクターは?

"E.T." です。初めて映画館で見た映画で、とても泣いたから。

2- もっとも怖かった架空のキャラクターは?


3- 1番会ってみたい架空の人物は?

ドラマシリーズ "ハウス・オブ・カード 野望の階段"の主人公フランシス・アンダーウッド。私が今まで色々と見てきた中でもっとも魅力的なキャラクターだと思う。同時に非常に怖いキャラ。

4- 生まれ変わってみたい架空の人物は?


5- 住んでみたい架空の世界は?

ピクサー・アニメーション・スタジオの "Mr.インクレディブル"の世界。

6- 住みたくない架空の世界は ?


7-  架空の世界でどんな役割をやりたい?


8- もっとも古い記憶の架空の世界は?

私はドイツで育ったのですが、一番古い思い出はテレビシリーズの"だいすき!マウス" です。youtubeでみることが出来ます。 : "だいすき!マウス"
6歳頃には、 Roger Ramjetのシリーズにはまっていました。こちらもyoutubeで見ることができます。 : "Roger Ramjet"

9- あなたの好きな言葉は?

"解決" 私は解決法を見つけることが好きです。また、実用的にも感情的にもいかなる問題でもほとんど解決法があると思っています。

10- 良く聴く音楽は?

Sheep, Dog and Wolf (Daniel McBride)の"Glare" 。ここでビデオクリップが見れます。 Glare
Site officiel de Sheep, Dog and Wolf.

オリジナル英語バージョン :

1-The fictional character you have most been touched by ?

E.T. because it was the first movie i ever saw in a cinema and it made me cry a lot.

2-The fictional character you have most been scared by ?

Jack Torrance in the Shining.

3-The fictional character you would most like to meet ?

Frank underwood, house of cards. I think he is one of the most intriguing characters in a series i’ve seen in a long time. But at the same time i would also be very scared of him...

4-The fictional character you would most like to be reincarnated as (^_^) ?

Pippi Longstocking. I love her energy and strength and love for adventures.

5-The fictional world you would most like to live in ?

The world from the Incredibles the Pixar film.

6-The fictional world you would least like to live in ?

The world of groundhog day where you would experience the same day every day…what a nightmare but great film!

7-The role you would most like to have from a fictional work ?

One of the apes in the twits a book by Roald Dahl. It was my favorite book when i grew up. The Twits are so nasty and i love how the apes and al the animals take revenge on them.

8-The fictional world you remember most from your Childhood ?

I grew up in Germany and this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSkEvO0ExZo is the first series i remember watching When i was 6 i was totally addicted to this series Roger Ramjet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIbFJmCUxsA

9-Your favorite word ?

"Solution". I love to find solutions for problems and i think there is a solution for (almost) every problem: practical or emotional.

10-The music you want to listen now ?

Sheep, Dog and Wolf - Glare It’s a beautiful song but the clip is even more amazing. https://vimeo.com/91349096