子供映画 : Waves

1- もっとも影響を受けた架空のキャラクターは?

チャーリー ブラウン

2- もっとも怖かった架空のキャラクターは?

アメリカのテレビドラマ"Scrubs〜恋のお騒がせ病棟"の用務員 、または、ディズニー映画の"オリビアちゃんの大冒険"のコウモリ、眠れる森の美女 (1959年の映画) (1959)でオーロラが触れる糸車の緑色の光、パンズ・ラビリンス(2006)の手が目の男

3- 1番会ってみたい架空の人物は?

"ガンダルフ" または "ジャック・スパロウ"、彼らの知恵が必要

4- 生まれ変わってみたい架空の人物は?

ライオンキングの"プンバァ"ここではガンダルフは必要としない、"ハクナ・マタタ" (彼らの合言葉、悩まずに生きること") !

5- 住んでみたい架空の世界は?

"千と千尋の神隠し"の湯屋。 千尋とりんがお饅頭を食べながら海を見るカット、一番心に残るシーンです。

6- 住みたくない架空の世界は ?

"パプリカ" または "インセプション" 間違いなく、どちらも大好きな映画です。けれど、この世界が存在するか分からない状況で住めない。だから、とても印象的。

7- 架空の世界でどんな役割をやりたい?


8- もっとも古い記憶の架空の世界は?


9- あなたの好きな言葉は?


10- 良く聴く音楽は?


オリジナル英語バージョン :

1-The fictional character you have most been touched by ?

"Charlie Brown".

2-The fictional character you have most been scared by ?

The"janitor"from Scrubs or the bat in"The Great Mouse Detective" but also that green glowing thing that takes Aurora to the spindle in "Sleeping Beauty" and that guy with eyed hands in "Pan’s Labyrinth" and probably a thousand more...

3-The fictional character you would most like to meet ?

Please give me a "Gandalf", I need his wisdom. Or "Jack Sparrow", sometimes I feel like I need his wisdom too.

4-The fictional character you would most like to be reincarnated as (^_^) ?

"Pumbaa". I wouldn’t even need a "Gandalf" at that point. Hakuna Matata.

5-The fictional world you would most like to live in ?

The Bathhouse in"Spirited Away". I believe that the scene where Chihiro and Lin are eating red bean buns looking at the sea is one of the most immersive and beautiful pieces of filmmaking I’ve ever been touched by.

6-The fictional world you would least like to live in ?

"Paprika"or"Inception". They’re definitely two of my favorite movies, just beautiful pieces of art, but I’d never be able to live in a world where you can never know if what you have in front of you is real or not. That’s probably why I think they’re so strong and believable.

7-The role you would most like to have from a fictional work ?

Any fictional work is fine, I don’t really mind as long as my role is about traveling and exploring.

8-The fictional world you remember most from your Childhood ?

I’ll just go with "Mahojin Guru Guru", if you don’t know what it is, go check out.

9-Your favorite word ?

I’d say "free" (especially if it’s related to food).

10-The music you want to listen now ?

Some weird unknown breton song, I don’t even know how to spell those words :)