子供映画 : Antipoden

1- もっとも影響を受けた架空のキャラクターは?

フライシャー兄弟の映画 ガリバー旅行記(1939)の"Gaby"

2- もっとも怖かった架空のキャラクターは?

ピンク・フロイド の映画、ピンク・フロイド ザ・ウォール, 2つの花が "What Shall We Do Now"の音楽に合わせて踊るシーン。 それは本当に怖かった。

3- 1番会ってみたい架空の人物は?


4- 生まれ変わってみたい架空の人物は?


5- 住んでみたい架空の世界は?

難しいですが、 Hobbitonかなあ。

6- 住みたくない架空の世界は ?


7- 架空の世界でどんな役割をやりたい?


8- もっとも古い記憶の架空の世界は?


9- あなたの好きな言葉は?

10- 良く聴く音楽は?

イギリスのプログレッシブ・ロック・バンド、イエスの「Close to the Edge」を聴いています。


1-The fictional character you have most been touched by ?

Gaby, from the animated motionpicture ‘Gulliver’s Travels’ by the Fleischer Brothers (1939).

2-The fictional character you have most been scared by ?

There’s this part in Pink Floyd’s movie ‘The Wall’ where two flowers get together in some dance: ‘What shall we do now’, which really scares the crap out of me...

3-The fictional character you would most like to meet ?


4-The fictional character you would most like to be reincarnated as (^_^) ?

Simon's Cat.

5-The fictional world you would most like to live in ?

That’s a tough one, but I guess Hobbiton.

6-The fictional world you would least like to live in ?

The world of 1984, by George Orwell.

7-The role you would most like to have from a fictional work ?

One of the Muppets would by nice!

8-The fictional world you remember most from your Childhood ?

The world of the smurfs.

9-Your favorite word ?


10-The music you want to listen now ?

At the moment I’m listenig to "Close to the Edge" by Yes.